The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Saturday, April 30, 2005

a year

how quick has the last year gone. its a year today since my nan died. the year has gone so quick. no one can believe its a year since she died. but i know shes in a better place now and thats all what matters.

todays been a really nice day. me and naomi went and watched the guys play footbal this morning, and come on guys we won WHOOO!! was 1-0. we played really well, so well done everyone :+) then me and naomi went into town, and then my brother, the one i aint been getting on with that well, has been really nice today and him and his girlfriend took me to comet and i got a mp3 player :+) and me and naomi have just chilled out at mine and watched a dvd.

Friday, April 29, 2005

hannah will look stunning

that describes hannah! we went to cambridge to look at prom dresses were some nice ones but thought we could find better so me sarah rob and hannah went to peterbourgh, and we found the most goregeous dress ever. hannah brought it and she looks so gorgeous in it :+) shes going to look amazing at her prom. hannah the wait was well worth it, you've now found your perfect dress. i had a really nice day out with u lot, and rob is one joker!! xxxx

tomorrow naomi is coming over, and we watching the guys play footy, Good luck guys! and then we are popping into town i think. so thats going to be cool, i havent seen her in about 2weeks! xxxx

Thursday, April 28, 2005

unexpected visit

well thats whats just happened! my God dad is down from wales and he came to see me!!! i didnt even know that they were down. i turned around just as he was knocking on the door. i was really surprised to see him but pleased. i opened the door and he picked me up, spun me around and gave me a kiss on the cheek! reminded me of when i was little girl and all the memories of when i was little. we had a chat for half an hour. i was so pleased to see him again, i havent seen him for about two years and to see him ment so much. hes still exactly the same and so lovely! i really miss him when he aint around and to see him, after all this time has ment so much. i guess if im honest, that we havent really been in contact for ages since he moved and his daughter died, as things have been pretty tough for him. and then when he came to see me out of the blue it ment so much. he said that he isnt seein everyone down here just some people and that he came to see me! i was really pleased and am really praying for him. im really thankful to God that i saw him again. and im feeling i guess a mixed of emotion at the mintue, happy and sad, happy as ive seen him after so long but sad as i wont see him again for ages. we had a really nice chat though and he was jokin around saying how he remembers when i was 7 and how ive grown up and just about past memories. so im in a good mood at the mintue :+)

long weekend!

so no more school until tuesday now!! which is really good and in 4weeks we are on a weeks holiday!! summer is almost here guys!! its going to be here in no time at all. had a pretty good week this week, schools alright at the minute, our year seem to be getting on really well with eachother. nearly all our english coursework is done, only 2pieces left, then we never have to do a piece of english coursework again!! and we are doing more coursework in the other lessons now, but we have loads of time to do them. so its all good!!!

just read tashas blog about nandos!!! gosh. i really had forgetten about how many times we been to nandos, but reading back on them memories they are great :+) each one of them special in there own way!!!

me and hannah are chilling out together tomorrow and saturday which will be cool. dont no exactly what we going to be doing yet though, we havent completely desided!!! but it will be good what ever we do.

so everyone enjoy your 3day weekend!! xxx

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

chick chick chicken!!!!

hehe, well went to nandos tonight, with daniel,rob,adam,tasha and fiona!!! me tasha fi and rob all had a chicken burgar and chips. adam didnt have anything, and daniel well daniel had a WHOLE chicken to himself and salad and chips and rice!!! and he ate it all apart from some of the salad!!!!!!!!!! we had a propa quality night again so thanks u lot, love you all xxxx

schools been good this week, its been a quick week and dont have to go in friday so that is even better!!! me and my bro steven been geting on really really well, and its really special to me that we are geting on so well. hes a real blessing and so inspiring to me.

i cant believe that we are nearly in may!!! where is this year going?!?!?!?!?!?! work experience in like a month, WHOOOOO!!!! im well looking forward to it. well il write soon xxx

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


i am SOOOOOO proud of my brother. he passed all of the exams he took about 7weeks ago. the ones his doing for his masters. im so proud, he find exams so hard and the fact he passed every single one of them. im really grateful to God that he passed and God knows the reasons why im so grateful, and so do some of you reading this, but im not going to go into detail on here about it. WELL DONE STEVEN, i knew you could do it xxxx

also had a chat with someone last night that id fallen out with. we have sorted things out now and im really thankful to everyone that prayed with me before i went to go talk to him. and thanks to you guys that were just there for me about it. you lot are great.

so things are pretty good at the moment, things at home with my other brother could be better but i guess im just going to have to get used to it. im really thankful to God for all of my mates. infinity was good last night and im really pleased that tashas little bro came (nick). also im going to one day beat simon at pingpong even though its not happened yet!!! anyways will write soon xxx

Saturday, April 23, 2005


that word somes up today. ive had such a good day and just got home now. after watching the guys play football this morning, me rob hannah and sarah went to northampton. which was cool and i got another new jumper. then we went straight from there to dans to chill out. and tasha and steve came aswell and we watched a movie. was cool us lot chilling out together. so ive just got home now, and had a really nice saturday :+) thanks all you guys, Daniel,Rob,Steve,Tasha,Hannah and Sarah for a quality day, loveya all xxxx


so i went to belgium yesterday was up at 4am but had a good time. and i really enjoyed it. the boy ive been trying to forgive for ages that goes to school, ive managed to forgive :+) he came up to me yesterday when we were on the coach and said hello, so i said hi and we started chatting. im pleased cause he made the first move for us to talk. then we stayed together for lunch and had a laugh and he was in my group when we were shown around so we had a laugh then aswell. then when we got back to school he waited for me to say bye! so im happy that we are mates again. its a big thing off my shoulders now, that we are mates and that we are chatting and now this is just the beginning of us going back to been good mates, and this time with no strings attached! in belgium we took part in a paraide to mark the 90th anniversary of the soliders been gased. it was pretty intresting and our school laid a reef with some of the soilders. we also looked at cemertrys with the graves, we went to a musem and also got loads of chocolate!!!! we didnt get back to school until 1am!!

this morning i was up at 10 and went to go watch the guys play footy. guys dont worry u didnt win, its the fact that u took part and you all tried really well so well done :+) then me and daniel have just walked back home and im going out with hannah sarah and rob in a minute. not sure what im doing tonight yet, i havent really made any plans, so i might see if the others all want to go out for a bit or something. xxx

Thursday, April 21, 2005


went bowling last night and it was quality, i had a really awesome time. it was Daniel,me,fiona and hannah on one team and Louize,Rob,Nick,Dan and Tasha on the other team! it was a laugh, Daniel beat all of us on my team but fiona beat him on the last game! but he was just lucky with the other 2games! i was really jammy and i got a strike on my first go!! and i also managed to get some points when daniel put the barriors down!! and adam took a few of hannahs goes for her. so after our 3games of bowling, we went to mcdonalds and i had my dinner! we had a really nice night though and we all def have to start going out in a big group like that more often. the night was quality and a right laugh. all of you guys are such good mates and its really cool when we all chill out. also thanks rob for the chat we had. it nice to know you always there for me to chat to :+)

going belgum tomorrow with school, im hoping the weather will be good and that the day will be nice. have an early start and a late finish! but its ok.i gota nice busy weekend too! im chilling out with some of the infinity crew so that will be cool. next two weeks are both only four day weeks, with next friday off and the following monday off!

il leave you with this phrase, see if you can work out what it means, its something i believe. good luck!

no hay mal que por bien no venga

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

guys its all sorted!

thanks everyone whos been praying about my work experience. i went for a interview at a company today for it, and i was sucessful. so my work experience is all sorted. i met the people im going to be working with and they all seem really nice and friendly. they are all in their late teens and early 20's so its going to be cool. im really looking forward to it. the atmosphere was really relaxed and so i think it will be good. and i get a hour for lunch and dont have to stay there for lunch, so thats cool to!

Father, i just want to say a mazzive thank you that ive finally found a work experience placement. Lord the people all seem really friendly and i just thank you that it is all sorted now. i pray that the final bits of paper work will all be done before the deadline and that it will all just be finallised by next friday. Lord i really do just thank you that its all sorted. amen xxx

Sunday, April 17, 2005

weekend away - Going deeper

the weekend away was awesome. left church on friday night at about 7-30. thanks Gordon for giving us a lift there. was a laugh on the way there, we got a bit lost!! but we got there in the end. so we arrived found our rooms and got them ready. them upstairs we went to the room we were meeting in to start the weekend. the book we were studying was Daniel chapters 1-6. we worshiped and then had a talk and God was really present, then we went into our small groups to do cell. which was cool. then we chilled and watched a video and had free time. didnt get a lot of sleep! went to sleep roughly 2-30 and i woke at 7! but it was cool, then in the morning after we;d had breakfast howard did a talk which was really awesome and after we had small groups again. in the afternoon we went bowling! i won in our team with a score of 108! then me and dan had a game of table hockey (i think thats what its called) Dan beat me by 1 point! after we arrived back at the centre we had a time to chill so adam me tash emma went for a walk and then we met up with the others and went for another walk, where i fell over cause i was turning round talking to adam! i have a lovely big bruise on my leg now! in the evening the worship was awesome, i really felt God and i prayed for people. when we went into small groups our cell desided not to do the outline but to pray and it was really awesome and i felt really at peace after we did. then we had a time to chill out before bed, which was a laugh. so went to sleep again about 2-30/3 and woke up at 6! after breakfast we went up for our last meeting and the responce was really good,we could stay in there if we wanted to and worship, i stayed and i really felt God. then we had cell and that was cool, we wrote encouraging things on paper for one another. then i helped cook sunday roast and we cleared the rooms and got ready to leave. about 3oclock and claire came and got us and took us home - (thanks claire) and i fel asleep in the car! then arrived back at church about 3-50.

so the weekend was really awesome. i spoke briefly at church about it tonight. i definatly have gone deeper with God and with all the members of infinity that came to the weekend away. the highlights for me are going to be:

* my cell all going deeper with God and each other
*the worship and how awesome it was
*God might have given me the gift of tounges - but im not completely sure so still praying about it
*cubby bunnies and pictionary! cubby bunnys was funny and i wont forget it and dan putting 14marshmellows in his mouth!

so the weekend was really good and God really spoke to me in many ways. tonight at church i went for prayer and God has now helped me to feel at peace - thank you christine for praying with me. also thank you to charlie for organising the weekend and thank you to all the leaders. its a weekend that wont be forgotten :+)

ive got more i could write about and i might write about it later but right now im going to go to bed as im pretty tired, but those are the main points which are special to me. xxx

Friday, April 15, 2005

work experience!

well today i got yet another letter from school telling me to sort out work experience, this really annoyed me as ive sent the letters out and i cant do any more until they reply.

ive just got home and had one letter back and a lady i needed to ring from a different place. the letter said i hadnt got a place at crown court. but the lady i rang at a different company said she is very happy to give me a place and im going to meet her next week. im really pleased, as the lady sounded really friendly and i am meeting her to go and see if i want to work at the place and if its what im looking for. so its all good! looks like ive got a place. please pray if this is where God wants me to be.

on another positive note.....weekend away is tonight!!! im so looking forward to it. God bless everyone who is going and i pray for Charlie as he drives us there, that it will be a good journey.

Monday, April 11, 2005


went back to school today. it was alright actully i had a pretty good day and was nice seeing all my mates again. i found out aswell - i knew that we had 1st may off (bank holiday) but we also have the 29th april off so i have a nice long weekend! so it like 2 and a bit weeks and we have a long weekend so its cool. this summer term is going to go really quick i think. first infinity aswell tonight of the summer term so im looking forward to infinity!! i missed it not been on, even though it was only for 2weeks, i missed it. hope everyone else that went back to work/school/college today had a good 1.

Saturday, April 09, 2005


went mk today with hannah and sarah. had a really nice time, and got a nice top from pineapple. thanks for inviting me hannah :+) so one day left until i go back to school. the holiday has gone so quickly but its been really good and ive enjoyed it so its cool.

Friday, April 08, 2005


well i had a really nice day today went out with adam,rob and tasha, was cool. we just chilled out and we bumped in to so many people from infinity so kept stopping to chat! so that was cool. then we saw christine and went to the coffee shop with her. after that me tasha and adam walked home, adam went and saw dan and me and tasha walked to hers which was cool. had a really nice chat. then saw a mate and had a really long chat with them so that was cool.

you probs wondering why im titleing this blog *sigh* well my ex boyfriend rang me today, the guy who im praying we can become mates proberly. im a bit annoyed at him, he was really rude on the phone probs without meaning to be, he wanted a girls number whos one of my best mates and he didnt ask for it in the nicest way. i guess as well me and him havent seen each other since like january and i havent chated to him apart from on msn since then, so after we spoke i felt a bit upset, not as i still like him, as i dont, i just like him as a mate now, but because we just argue so much. so im praying we'll sort things out edventually!

so today was the last day of the holiday and its been a really nice day and ive really enjoyed it, so thanks every i went out with for a wicked day its been really nice and we all had a good time. so thanks guys xxxx

first rejection

had a phone call this morning, from one of the places i sent a letter to. they were unable to give me a place due to the guy thats the manager at the min wont be the manager in june and therefore they couldnt give me a place.

so now 26places left to wait and here from. il post as and when i find out what the others say.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

poco loco

went to dinner with karen and tasha to poco loco. we had a really nice time. i had a chicken burgar with chips and salad and a glass of coke. was well tastey and well good value it came to £5.50!! so i was pleased with that. then we went to comosion. that was cool to. we had a nice chat and a really good time. so thank girlies xxxxxxx

work experience

its all done! well its not, i havent got a place still. but ive just spent the last hour addressing 27 envelopes and putting a letter and CV in each. so im trusting God with this one. ive written to 27 different places in hope of getting work experience with one of them. so in total so far ive had 33 places ive asked for work experience ( the first 6 i did with school) the 6 i ask for work experience through school said no. ive written the letter to these 27places on my own and not through the school so hopefully at least one of these 27 will say yes and then i can chose which one to go to. but im completely trusting God with it. God knows where i should be for the first two weeks in june and God knows what kind of work i should be doing. i would really appreciate it if people can pray about it though, as its only a couple of months away and once a place says yes i have to get all the paperwork signed. and considering i applied for the 6 that said no back in november and only found out at the end of march i didnt get them, i really need to know asap from these places to whether or not i can work there.

Father, i lift these 27 letters up to you right now, Lord i pray that they reach the places they need to be safely and i pray that i will get the responces asap. Father i thank you that ive written these letters and i thank you that you helped for me to think of more places than i had first thought of to send these letters to. Father i lift the work experience up to you, Lord you know where i should be and what i should be doing in the first two weeks of june, and Father im trusting you with this situation. amen xxxx


well todays been a good day. i caught up on my sleep so im not feeling tired now. i hadnt got any plans for today until tonight when im going out to dinner with karen and tasha so i thought today could be a chilled out day. so todays been the first day of the holiday in which i havent been out but ive enjoyed it. ive been listening to worship music and just thought about things in gerneral.

its scary this year is going so quick. summer will be here in no time, but it will come and go so fast and then il have about 6months left in school until i get to leave. so this is my last full summer in school. i guess im looking forward to leaving. the last 4years have been ok, they've had there ups and downs. and this last year ive become good mates with people in the year above me. ive also become much better mates with people in my year. and we have gone back to a big group of us eating lunch and hanging out together. im going to miss year11 when they leave but il still see them outside a school. its weird to think they leave in about 5weeks, how quickly those 5weeks are going to go. i think this year has been one the best ive had at school. due to everyone getting along with eachother but i really hope year11 will be even better.

theres only about 12 more infinitys left until we stop for summer. im really praying that maybe some of the faces we havent seen at infinity for a while would re-appear. i had a really long chat with God on monday night about so many different things and i prayed to him for the people we havent seen at infinity for a while.

i had a nice chat with mum last night as i walked home with her as i was going home as she was leaving work so we walked together. we were chatting for ages about different things and im so pleased that we get on so well. i think that we have became so much closer this last year.when we went to spain last year i think thats what made us closer. and im really pleased i can talk to her about things and that she trys and helps me the best she can. i couldnt ask for a better mum, i love her xxx

im lucky with all the mates i have. they are all awesome in there own ways and im really lucky to have them all in my life and im really thankful to God for all my mates. this last year due to coming to St.marys ive made friends with so many new people and i love them all.and i pray for my non-christian mates that they would come to know God.

its the weekend away in about a week and a couple of days, i cant wait. im really looking forward to it. it will be a chance to build up stronger friendships with everyone at infinity and a chance to grow even closer to God. and it will be nice to get out of Luton for a couple of days as i really feel like a break from here.

at the end of this month it will be a year since my nan died. the year has gone so fast. and so much has happened in this last year. i miss my nan so much but i know she is in a better place now and shes no longer in pain.

looking outside right now its nice and bright outside, it reminds me of been on holiday. i am looking forward to going to spain this year. i am looking forward to relaxing and due to jonny and debbie only coming for a week and steven and emma not coming at all it means that for the second week il be with mum and dad. but i dont mind, i think it will give me a chance to grow closer to them.

my dog has made me smile today, hes been really playful and looks really sweet and relaxed. right now he looks like he hasnt got a care in the world as he sits on the sofa waiting for everyone to come home from work.

i know this post is quite weird as its about all different things but they are the things ive been thinking of today and so i thought id write about it. xxxx

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


well today......i went to watford with naomi, we had a really nice day. chatting about everything and anything. i brought some new PJz and a new top so that was cool, we got there about 11-30 and then left about 3-30. naomi got off the bus once we got to hers (she lives in harpenden) and then i stayed on the bus until the bus was in luton. when i was on the bus gave me a chance to think about the holiday and how much of a good holiday i have had. im really looking forward to going away in summer and i cant wait until the infinity weekend away. the weekend away will be good as i think it will give all of us a chance to grow deeper with God and get to know each other better.tonight i went cinema, had a good time. tomorrow im seeing karen and we going out for dinner and tasha and hannah might be coming. so todays been a good day :+)

Monday, April 04, 2005


im feeling tired at the moment, i slept at tashas last night, me and hannah stayed over, had a really good night. we didnt go to sleep until about 5-30!! but we had a laugh and had a really good time so its all good. woke up about 11-30 this morning so i havent had much sleep, but ive only just started to feel tired!! i stayed at tashas for the rest of today and we had a nice day so it was cool.

church was really good last night. nicks talk about forgiveness really made me think. there are people in my life that i need to forgive and i know i need to forgive them, one of these people i really felt God telling me to text and say sorry, so i sent them a text to say sorry and then went and had prayer.

im looking forward to next monday when infinity is back on! i miss it when it isnt on, so it will be back next week so thats going to be cool. its not long until the summer now, its about 14weeks, its going to come well quickly i think!

tomorrow i am going to the cinema with some of the guys and girls and in the day im going to watford with naomi which im looking forward to.xxxxx.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


charlies talk about the youth work this morning was really good and charlie did a really good job explainning what they have and are doing with all of us. the video of ignite was cool. so well done to charlie.

tonight im sleeping at tashas house which will be cool. me and hannah are stopping over. so that will be good. and then tomorrow im not sure what im doing yet. well il write soon. xxx

Saturday, April 02, 2005


the Pope died about an hour ago. he lived a long life aged 84. God bless him.

Lord, thank u for John Paul II long life. Father he did so much in the years he lived and i just thank you for him Lord. amen x

God bless

my prayers are for the Pope at the moment. as he lives what could be his final hours and days. i pray that God will really just comfort him and that he will not be in pain. the Pope has done so much for the cathlics and is an amazing guy and i really pray God blesses him and just looks after him and keeps him comfortable.

Lord i really want to pray for John Paul II, Father really protect him i pray, Lord just keep him comfortable and i really thank you for him for all he has done. Lord i really pray he will be in as little pain as possible and Father i just pray you really bless him in what could be his final hours. amen xx

fri + sat

well friday i didnt do much to be honest. i went asda with mum when she came back from work and that was it really and scanned some pictures in the day. but it was cool as it gave me a chance to chill out and me and my bro i didnt used to get on with that well are getting on really well so its cool.

saturday i went town with hannah and tasha and we had good time. i got some new shoes and a dress so im happy! and then im going to have a bbq in a minute with my family. im sleeping at tashas tomorrow, me and hannah are stopping over so that will be fun :+) il update soon xxx