The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Friday, August 25, 2006

GCSE results...

A - food tec
B - re
B - english lang
C - english lit ( they are appealing this cos of the van setting on fire!!)
C - maths
C - drama

DD - science
D - history
D - spanish
D - stats

so im very pleased with my food result and the fact i passed maths!! i went kinda crazy when i saw i got my A and had passed maths lol, made the teachers all smile cos i was the only one who started screaming i got an A and passed maths AHHHH!! lol. twas all good. bit gutted with the amount of Ds but nevermind. history is a dissapointment cos i used to be good at that and its really slipped!! spesh when my coursework was an A! and science i was 12marks from CC!!

Friday, August 11, 2006


its sooooo early!! im going to majorca today with me mum for a week!! so in an hour or just under we will be at the airport!! i only got about an hour and a half sleep! so im quite tired! and its freezing!!! hope everyone has a great week...and those going soul survivor, ignite or on their on holiday hav a great time and il see some of you in 2weeks insted of one!!!

laterz people x

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

tomorrow is a year since.....SOUL SURVIVOR

mr boogies and the guys on stage - YMCA!!!!!!!
main worship tent!!!!
sam and jamie with their friend they met at the skate park!!
a crew of us on the last day and me feeling fed up!!!
the main worship tent!
soul survivor!! gosh we had such a great time last year and i just wanted to post about it, cos thinking back on it, it really was a highlight of my summer last year and i enjoyed it so much and its a real shame i havent been able to go this year. i really met with God last year at soul survivor in a way i had never met with God before. i was thinking about it last night, and just reflecting about how God worked in me and others in that week. just thinking back about relationships that were formed with everyone who went from stmarys and LCF. and we had a great time. its amazing to think a year has passed in such a short amount of time, but it was a fantastic summer last year. and il really miss not going to soul survivor again this year. enjoy the pictures which show a variety of what we did!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

kindness is more than just being "nice"

thats what the sermon at church was about tonight!! and i enjoyed and got a lot from it. this morning at church i felt god tell me i needed to make my peace with someone and i was like no i really dont want to do it incase i look stupid or whatever and i didnt really know why i needed to say sorry but i felt i had to. then church came tonight and i was like no il pass its fine, il just smile and leave it at that!! but then i felt God kick me up the backside and say your doing it in my strength now go! and i was like ahhhh no i dont want to im not ready to!!! and the woman preaching said something about frowning at someone insted of smiling at them and i was like hitting home a bit! and i was thinking to myself, i just need to do it, god obviously wants me to, so at the end i went and said sorry and hope everything is cool now. that person knows who they are, and i just hope we can go back to being friends, but we'll see what god wants to happen i guess!!