MY ENGLISH LITERATURE EXAM HAS BEEN BURNT TO ASHES. the van which was taking our exams to be marked caught fire, the driver was unharmed, but our exam papers have been destroyed.( they dont know how the van caught on fire yet, they are invesigating into it ). now we dont have to do the exam again, they are looking at our oral and coursework grades and the predicted grades which were made 2weeks ago, which we don't know. i am so gutted, upset, angry, i duno how to really describe how im feeling, cos its mixed emotions. but when i found out the shock of it didnt hit me until about 10mins after. the music exams were also in the same van, but i dont take music so that hasnt effected me. but really im deverstated about it as i was so proud of myself with the effort i had put into the exam. so yeah...very bad day! but guess one good thing of it is that now im not on full timetable and only have to go to lessons if i wish to, if not, i can study at home.
all in all though...i am quite fed up.
At 10:39 PM, May 26, 2006, Anonymous said…
same here gilly!!! so pissed off about it! especially after the response from my family!!!
At 2:39 PM, May 27, 2006, Neil O'Hara said…
Gill, thats a killer!
Hope the 2nd try is even better.
(And its 'devastated', just incase it comes up in exams ;-))
At 2:59 PM, May 27, 2006, gill said…
lol thnx hairs =] yesterday was well bad day...i went out last night to louises and we were walkin home from asda and there was a drain with the lid off cos it had been broken but as it was dark, i didnt see it, and my leg went straight down it and i went flying!! so my leg is quite a state =[ really sore, swollen and cut up, it sucks!! so yesterday was RUBBISH!!
At 9:41 PM, May 29, 2006, Hanny said…
gill i keep telling ya go and get ur leg checked out before its to late love u xxx
At 10:46 PM, May 29, 2006, gill said…
lol, i fink im gonna go walk in centre tomorrow....cos it still hurting and 5days have past!! lol. xxxx
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