The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Sunday, April 30, 2006

whats the most important thing in a friendship?

was one of the questions everyone was asked at encounter....for me its TRUST. that is so important, to be able to trust your friends and them be able to trust you, i struggle a great deal with this like most people know, i find it hard telling people things and knowing it will not go to anyone else....however it made me think know when people know something to do with you and you dont know it....and they are challenged about whether or not they should tell you....thats happened with two of my friends...and they did tell me....and i am really pleased they did, yeah they didnt want me to be hurt but im pleased i knew insted of not knowing, id have been more annoyed and hurt to have found out that they knew and hadnt told me. but you see the devil is trying to attack me, hannah and tasha in as many ways possible...just as things start to go good between us, the devil tries to fire something at us and ruin our friendship, hannah and tash had to deside if they were gonna tell me what they knew and im pleased they did. ive been thinking this afternoon and reflecting as encounter today was about choices and were we need Gods wisdom....and i was thinking about choices in general....either we make the right choice or we dont....and sometimes we know what is right or wrong and other times we dont. i guess me, han and tash have the fight against the devil and stick together and forgive each other when things go wrong, or let the devil win and let our friendship be defeated. i know what choice i want to keep keep being strong and to win. ive written a prayer for me, tash and hannah and our friendship.....

my friends, my angels, my support, my family.....

Father, i pray for me, tasha and hannah, that you be there with us, you dont let anything come inbetween us that may ruin our friendship, i pray father that you look after us all and protect us. just be there and let us be honest with eachother, let us be truthful to one another and let us challenge each other, when we are hurting allow us to be honest and to tell one another what is wrong. let us share our joy aswell. father be there with us and look after us. i thank you for my friendship with hannah and tasha, i thank you for giving me such amazing friends, who do love and support me through everything, good or bad, happy or sad, they are always there for me and i thank you for that father, i thank you that when things are hard they are there for me to run to and seek help and advise, i especially think of today and it been 2years since grandma died father, and i just thank you that hannah and tasha are there for me. Father just protect us all and allow our friendship to grow stronger. give the 3 of us wisdom and work in our friendship. father i thank you for the great people hannah and tasha are and pray you pour your love upon them and me.



  • At 10:44 PM, April 30, 2006, Blogger Hanny said…

    I'm so glad we're mates, the devil is not gonna ruin our friendship cause we have God on our side. Us three can do anything if we believe and trust God.

  • At 10:46 PM, April 30, 2006, Blogger gill said…

    amen - and we dont need guys, they arent making us happy at the min! so we dont need them!! lol! xx


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