The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

stress stress stress!

is what im feeling at the min, am worried about my spanish exam which is next week...ive just been praying that my anxioties will be replaced with confidence. and il perserve. i was reminded of something today though....i havent even done the exams and God knows the results im going to get, Gods planned out my future, God knows where il be in sept, where il be next year, where il be in 10years. and i need to lift up my burdens and worries to him. i just need to keep working, keep pushing myself and not keep getting worked up and worried. ive been praying lots about it and i realised today my exams have to be my priority, i cant keep chilling out and there are other things which ive been thinking about which i need to push aside til after my exams. so yeah prayers will be appreciated especially for my spanish exam which is either next thursday or friday ( we havent been told yet which is rubbish ) thanks guys x x x


  • At 2:04 PM, April 26, 2006, Blogger Hanny said…

    Hope your exams go ok sweetie, will be praying for you. Remember God is sitting in the exam with you and holding ya hand. We all love you sugarplum and i'm always here if you wanna chat. xxx


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