The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Thursday, March 09, 2006

animal cruelty....

We have been doing about animal cruelty in re….each week for the past 2weeks we have spoke briefly about it and then watched a video…each week the video we watch is more graphical and is horrible to watch…last weeks video wasn’t to bad. We saw a pig have its throat slit and we saw a rabbit have experiments done on it ( the rabbit bothered me more than the pig probably because I have rabbits) today though the video really struck me….we watched about how the animals are treated because secret filming was done, the animals are hit, kicked and treated awfully. Chickens are stuffed into draws and driven away for their killing. The video really wasn’t to nice, but it was biased our teacher said(who’s a vegetarian) as its trying to put you off meat….

We are going to be watching a video on how dogs are treated next week I think, im not looking forward to it, apparently lots of people walk out or sit there in tears. From having a dog myself I cant imagine what sick people out there do to animals….and watching the video shows some of the things which happen….for example apparently this dog gets beaten up for not doing as the man wants.

People I know who have already seen this dog video said its sickening and quite disturbing to watch. So guess will wait and see next re lesson.

Also learnt today organic and free range meat products are not much better….organic has less chemicals but conditions they live in still awful and free range foods means they have slightly more room to move but still not much….
From being a meat eater made me think a lot. Im not going to become a vegetarian but it just made me think about what it was saying on the video and also it said about how many cows, sheep ,pigs, chickens, turkeys, fish etc we eat in our life time!! Quite a shocking number for each but I cant remember of the top of my head the numbers.


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