The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

great chat...

i had an hours long chat with my friend from school tonight, me and her were chatting about the last 5years of school. it was good though as we were talking about regrets aswell as good things which have happened - there are a lot of things from my time at high school which i regret and i havent really talked to anyone about it. talking to her tonight really helped and i feel really relaxed now. i also spoke to a boy in my year about it when i was walking home with him. i think there were things i needed to talk about as they were things i was holding on to insted of letting go and i was glad me and her had the chat. she was saying how much u can see ive changed in the last couple of years and how its a good change. she was saying how you can see im trying to live a christian life now and that ive changed for good. i was pleased to just chat with her and both of us spoke about things we are stuggling with at the min and found out the things are quite similar. so yeah...good chat and now im feeling positive about things... the boy i was chatting to when walking home is a christian aswell and he was saying what he finds hard at school and we were talking about how important it is to live for God everywhere we are including school, was great to chat and listen to how they are both feeling.

heard this song tonight and these lyrics stuck out to me....

Bad relationships, and people i thought where friends and People judging me, before they get to know a thing.

ive done things i regret. we all have and i think people get judged a lot by the things they've done and once they change and stop the things they regret, there are still times were people bring it up again and make you feel crap about yourself...that happened to me a couple of weeks back at school. i guess things like that are what makes me hate it, as i still think i sometimes get judged upon what i was like in the earlier years of high school and not what im like now.

i know a lot of people feel like that, as ive had a lot of chats with people in my year about it. we are ALL GUILTY of judging people, but thats something im trying to stop doing, and i know some others in my year who are also trying to stop judging and if we work together we'll be able to do it.

so what am i getting too....the chats ive had with people since sunday have made me think a lot and now i know others are feeling similar to how i feel about school, but its still no reason to hate it, we just need to make the most of the last few months and work hard and thats what i intend to do!!! work hard enjoy it and make the most of it....and ive got someone to ask me each week about school and how the weeks been and ive got to be honest, so im challenging myself aswell now....


  • At 7:14 PM, February 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    das my great chat woooooooooooooooot

    lol lov ya gilly willy n im alwiz ere f ya need anuva chat:D i got a lot outa it 2 xxxxx


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