i had a really good day today at school, enjoyed it and realised today that im going to be gone before i know it and i need to make the most of the last few months that i have left insted of wishing they were over. it sunk in a lot today, soon im not going to see everyone around me at school as much, and il really miss some of them and therefore i need to make the most of everday. as soon as june comes the last 11years of my education will have finished and thats quite a scary thought....i think i need to be positive in school and insted of hating it and wishing it was over i just need to relax a bit more and enjoy it. i know not every day will be easy and not every day will be hard, some days will be better than others, thats just the way life is and i think thats something i need to come to terms with more. so ive desided im going to try and enjoy it and not say i hate it at every chance i get. a lot of people have challenged me about my outlook at school and many people have told me to stop wishing the days away and enjoy it while its there and that i should just work hard and make the most of it. lots of people are challenging me about it and why i hate it, and i think i need to just learn to be patient and enjoy the next few months insted of wishing them away. so thats what im going to do...be patient, enjoy it and when days are tough remind myself of the positive things happening in school.
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