well tonight i went to a prayer meeting at stopsley baptist for the youth of luton. was really good. im really pleased i went. after how the last couple of weeks have been i think i needed to be there. God was definatly there working. great night and great to have a lot of the youth christians across luton all meeting together. was great to see so many people im friends with who i havent seen for a while. chris spoke really well and was really challenging about what we need to do to make a stand for Christ and show we believe and are christians. i think i need to show this more in school - i hate school but the last few months left i could make such a difference to someone or some peoples lives. i really felt i need to be in the sermon tomorrow morning at church and not be doing encounter - alan west is preaching on being a disciple and i really felt i needed to be there listening to that tomorrow. also we were singing "be my everything" a song which God really put on my heart a while back and were told not to stand til we ment it, i all of a sudden really felt God and felt God tell me i needed to say sorry to someone and actually mean it, not just say sorry and not mean it, i needed to mean it from my heart to sort this situation out. i needed to go to this person and be the one to say sorry. i knew i needed to go and do this and it was quite hard to do but im glad i did it and hope that person knows i ment it....
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