The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Saturday, December 24, 2005


well soph wrote on her blog for me to do this....


Things to do before I die

1. change someone's life for the better
2. get married and have a family
3. go to austraila
4. have some land in a foregin country
5. build up closer relationships with friends and make more friends
6. still be walking with the Lord
7. get my family to become christian

Things I cannot do

1. stand bitching (even though im guilty of this i hate it)
2. keep a straight face when im meant to!
3. laugh quietly
4. not smile back if someone smiles at me
5. blank someone if i know them
6. sit by and not try and help someone when they're in need of help
7. go a day without texting!

Things I say most often

1. joker
2. awww
3. hi guys
4. shutup
5. love you
6. thanks honey
7. whatever

Books I love

1. nobodys child
2. of mice and men
3. the shock of your life
4. jacqueline wilson (nearly all of her books)
5. bloodbrothers (even though its a play not a book!)
6. jordans autobiography (found this very intresting)
7. inspector calls ( all though i hated reading this whilst we did it, since reading it again it carries a really strong message)

Movies I could watch over and over

1. lion king
2. love actually
3. about a boy
4. the wizard of oz!
5. dude wheres my car
6. the snowman
7. grease

All-time albums

1. soul survivor 2005 - (this has good memories as well as all the songs been really great worship songs)
2. coldplay - x&y
3. michael jackson - history
4. bryan adams - best of me
5. spice girls! (sad i know but i loved them when i was lil)
6. best of rem
7. anastacia - welcome too my truth

People to do this next

1. tasha
2. christine
3. karen
4. hairy
5. tom
6. mareike
7. liz

that was actually quite hard!! hehe! enjoy.........


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