The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

new year - 2oo6

not long till new year now. christmas was good enjoyed it even though i was ill :+( am better now just have me cough but otherwise im all good! hard to think christmas has been and gone - the whole build up to it and now its over!!

ive thought back a lot about this past year and how there is so many memories which is holds.....

  • the 24hour famine
  • the weekend away
  • the times spent at cemy!
  • spain
  • easter
  • christmas
  • soul survivor - and meeting some amazing people and new friends - Tom, Simon, Luann, Kieran, Gareth and for building up friendships with people who hadnt been to stmarys for ages
  • ignite
  • trips to nandos and aroma and comotion!
  • backstreet boys
  • coldplay
  • birthday parties
  • berlin
  • building up stronger friendships with people

thats just a few highlights which this year holds....there are so many more but those are the ones which stick out to me. you know when i look at my year like that....i cant really complain, ive had a pretty good year. yeah this year has had some downs aswell... but they havent been as bad as some of the issues other people have faced this year. i think one thing i need to improve next year is how i should be more grateful for things i have....for example.....

  • friends
  • a family that loves me
  • for a roof over my head
  • the fact christ died on the cross for me so i can be forgiven
  • food to eat

this year has been a special year. i really hope that next year will be just as good. next year holds a lot of things which are big things that are going to happen in my life -

  • leaving school
  • going to college
  • starting to drive
  • getting a job

so yeah thats my sum up of 2oo5. sure theres more i could add and if i think of anything i will add it!

i hope everyone has a great 2oo6 cos you all deserve it. love each of you xxxx


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