The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Sunday, November 27, 2005

you are the way, the truth and the light.....

....we live by faith and not by sight for you. that was on my heart as i got to church tonight, me and tasha prayed together and when she was praying for me she said that. i really felt thats what God was saying to me tonight, i know its true but because the last few weeks have had there ups and downs sometimes ive forgotten it. but the last 3days have been AMAZING. God has touched me in so many ways. praying at tashas on friday....the briscoe celebration last night....TGIs this tonight. God really has showed me this weekend he is ALWAYS there.

i got a lot out of church, we watched a video insted of the sermon. the video was about the journey of life. the journey of a baby to a grown man. from life to death. the beautiful things which are in this world. who created the beautiful things like nature? what happens when we die? how did the stars get in the sky? those where some of the questions on the video. it ended, we can believe it just happened and have nothing or believe in God and have everything. then Andy prayed....he also said, dont get on a train without knowing where it goes....we need to know where we are on our journey with God.

the person i needed to show grace be honest....i didnt do it. i am praying God prepares my heart to love him again. but i have so much anger and upset aimed at him at the moment that its hard. i just need my space and time to reflect. i prayed about him tonight though. its difficult....i think back of the good times we have had, the laughs and the cries we have shared and deep down i want to forgive him....but its going to take a lot to do it, its not the first time hes hurt me in the space of 3months and i know it wont be the last....but i do want to forgive him....i pray as the weeks go on i can show him grace.

my mocks start on friday...i know they are only mocks but im well worried about them! not all the subjects, but maths and science particularly! but im revising and thats all i can do. i have an interview with my headteacher and head of year tomorrow. everyone in year11 is having it, to discuss our exams and our future...i also have JSLA(junior sport leadership award) i hate pe! but i have it in the afternoon tomorrow, teaching year1s pe, but they will be cute so im not that fussed about it!

well im off to rather tired. good night everyone! have a great week x x x


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