The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Sunday, November 20, 2005

weekend + thank yous

this weekend has been so busy but good!! saturday i slept in for the morning as i was so tired. me and mum went to hitchen for the afternoon and i have now only got a couple of christmas presents left to get which is so good! im organised this year! in the late afternoon we got naomi from her house and went to town and then she came over for the evening! so saturday was a really enjoyable day.

today i went to church and had tgis this morning which went well and i enjoyed it. went for lunch with karen,mareike,christine and tasha which was great - karen it was so lovely to see u - have really missed u. went into town with tasha for a bit, dropped her home and then went matalan and me nans with mum! then tonight went to church....!

thats my weekend in a nutshell!

daniels gone to northampton now - gonna miss you dan! hope everything goes well for ya cos you deserve it, take care, have fun and look after yourself xx

church was good tonight, ive got a lot out of it the last few weeks. how we are the managers of our lives but God is the boss. i really felt Gods present upon me tonight.....

i wanna say thank you to a few people....

tasha - good or bad, happy or sad, you are always there and i love you so much, your a true friend and im glad i can be honest with you. im glad we can chat about everything and support each other no matter what. your an angel and i love you.

gill - for listening to me, for being there and for the advise you give me. your like a big sister and im so glad i have you to talk to all the time.

lynsey - your definatly like my big sis. i can talk to you about everything and im so glad to have you as a friend, your an angel.

christine - i love our chats, im so thankful to God that you are there all the time for me to talk to and for the laughs and the cries, your amazing.

tom - for the laughs we have. good and bad, we still stay close, im glad to have you as a mate, and glad God put u in my life, your a great guy and a great mate x

dan - for always listening to me go on and on and never complaning! your a star x

alan - for always been there, for putting a smile on my face and just for listening and helping me! for making me laugh when im hurting and just been like family to me x

hana - for our great chats and for you always been there and offering me support....your so lovely and im glad to have you as a friend x

jess - for always loving me no matter what, for the support you give me, for the laugh and the cries we have had, for just being you and for been a sweetheart, loveya x x x

toby - thanks for been a great bro! and for listening and just been a joka!

jason - thanks for listening to me and for giving me advise, for making me laugh and been my bro!

thats just a few thankyous, there are loads more i could write but it feels the past few weeks these people have been amazing and offered up so much love and support to me and i just want to say a big thank you. x x but thank you to everyone of my friends, i love you all and would be lost without you x x


  • At 9:44 AM, November 21, 2005, Blogger Karen said…

    hey you! Thankyou again for coming to lunch and sharing all the chat about Luton with us.

    Its great that you are really settled into TGI's. Those guys are hilarious and you do such a great job with them. God couldn't have picked any one better.

    I'm sure I'll see you soon, but in the mean time, don't get stressed and don't let Charlie annoy you at school, its not his job!

    Love you loads,


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