mix and match
this week has had its ups and downs so far!! school has been alright - nothing amazing, i really am in need of a break and its 4weeks today until i break up for christmas!! next friday my mocks start which i am a bit worried about but once they are over i can relax for a few weeks before starting to revise for my GCSES. you may call me a geek starting revision so early but i wanna revise sooner rather than later so that what i need to learn sticks! and im not in a rush to do it! got my GCSE timetable on monday!! i have most of my rubbish subjects at the begining which personally i think is quite good as they will be out of the way! and my last exam in dt - food, which is my best subject so a nice exam to end on! but enough about that....its not til may/june!
outside of school is ok-something annoyed me a bit on monday and quite upset me but i dont really wanna write about it. yesterday i went to a bodyshop party which was great and a lot of fun. i really enjoyed it and mum came aswell which was cool, she has brought some things but i dunno what - i wasnt really paying attention. Tgis are so encouraging - i am really enjoying doing their group - the relationships ive got with the young people is great and im really grateful to God about the friendships ive started to build up.
ive started to talk to an ex-boyfriend of mine - i think i wrote about this about a week ago....well anyway we hadnt spoken in 3months and now are talking again. its so strange to think back to 2years ago when we first got together and then how things turned out between us and the arguements nd how he hurt me. im glad though that me and him are talking again. i think we needed a break from eachother and from contacting each other and we both have grown up so much now. we still gotta work at our friendship, but im praying about it and just glad that slowly things are getting better as he was a really good friend and it was upsetting to lose him as a mate.
does anyone ever find it hard when they have drifted from someone they were really close to for a long while and although things arent to bad unlike how they were before you still find yourself giving off negetive vibes because they really hurt you and although you have sorted it out, theres a part of you still hurting and you find yourself very distant from them.....
im listening to fix you by coldplay at the min....i love this song....it has memories of happy times with me and my friends,some people reading this may be able to realate to what im saying here....thinking back when i first heard this song...and then thinking of all the times it has been on and has been sung when ive been with a certain group of mates, the 5of us havent hung out just us for ages....i really miss those days....
its ment to snow tomorrow and friday! wonder if it does....i hope its a snow day if it does snow!
thats enough from me, this blog is rather long again sorry! x x x
At 9:39 PM, November 23, 2005, gill said…
thanks lovely! i dont like him like that any more - havent done for about a year! but i just hope we become good mates again! hope your ok. loveya 2
tasha - the days were good, and the pictures are happy memories, strange how so much has changed in the space of 4months! loveya darlin
At 8:10 PM, November 24, 2005, gill said…
knew both of who!?! hehe. nah it aint ruining it! more comments for me!! whooooo!!! loveya soph x x x thanks for our chat earlier x x x
At 8:16 AM, November 25, 2005, gill said…
ooo lol. ok!! im slightly slow arent i!! tasha u suda bn in bed at 10-45!!! see u tonight chick, loveya x x x
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