The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

God is awesome

God is really and truely awesome. ive been finding my science coursework a bit hard and today i was walking into my class, my teacher said to me that the teacher who helps out in our class who is a doctor of science wanted to check my work through and help me in order for me to get the best grade im capable of. i really was so thankful to God. i have been praying that i would understand this coursework clearer and tasha had even let me look at the coursework she had done when she was at high school to try and help me, bless her. (thanks tasha!) so this guy helped me and has shown me things to devleop and so i am going to type up my work tonight and next lesson he will help me with it again. i really am so thankful to God.

also want to say thank you to Miriam, Gill, Charlie and Rob, for listening to me over the last few days and really been such a support. you lot are stars. and thank you to Hannah for praying with me :+)

so much coursework to do before these next three weeks are over.....its hard and its tiring but i am going to be able to do it, im trusting God and am going to try my hardest.

have a good week guys! xx


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