The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Sunday, June 26, 2005


so today i started TGIs i didn't know i was starting today as last week charlie told me i was going to be starting on the 10th july but he rang me this morning at 9-40 to tell me to go to youth house when i was dropped off. i said a quick prayer before leaving my house and i think this morning went really well. the girls in my cell are lovely and were really welcoming and im really looking forward to leading their cell.

its karens last weekend down here :+( she is going to be missed so much by us all, she has been a real encouragement to me and really been there for me, karen i really pray for u as you get ready to go to wales that God really blesses u and uses u in so many exciting ways.

ive had a pretty good week, its gone quite quickly and there fore has been pretty good!! only four weeks left in school and then its the summer holidays and i have spain, soul survivor and ignite to look forward to, its going to be an awesome summer.

the slide show that was shown at the end of church today was a good slide show. basically there were pictures of people and a caption to go with them,so it started with a picture of Nick, saying "Nick will be Nick" then a picture of Charlie, saying "Charlie will be Charlie" and then the interns, "the interns will be themseleves" after this came pictures of some tgis and then infinity! i was in some of the infinity pictures. they were showing what money can help tgis and infinity do, for example tgis going canoeing etc. was pretty good.

friday night i went out with hannah,rob,simon and louise to comotion to celebrate the end of hannahs exams and we had a nice night. yesterday i had a pretty good day, in the morning i went to town with mum and got a new dress and the afternoon me,rob and tasha went to crusaders then to robs and then we went to daniels. was a laugh, we watched the tennis and dan and rob were making me laugh so much. i realy did have the giggles yesterday!

hope everyone is ok! xxxx


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