The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Thursday, June 30, 2005


these words are from a song but are so true to something which is happening betwen a group of really good friends of mine....

Sometimes, You hurt the ones who love you most And sometimes, You hold the ones who leave you lost And sometimes You learn, but it's too late It's too late....

i am really praying for a group of my friends who have fallen out, that somehow God will help for them to forgive each other and for the situation to be sorted out. im finding it pretty tough if im honest as i do not want to fall out with any of them.

this week has been ok, gone quite quick and im glad that it is friday tomorrow! 3 weeks on saturday and im off to spain, i am so excited. i dont know if someone i met on holiday last year there, who lives in spain will be there or not, but to be honest im trusting God with it and will have to wait and see if they are there. if they are it will be nice to see them again, but we will have to wait and see what happens.

i have desided that for the next 3weeks i am going to go swimming at least once a week starting tomorrow! i just want to have some gentle exercise before going away as this summer is going to be so busy.

schools a bit of a rush at the moment, preparing for the year 6s to come up. we also doing loads and loads of coursework which has to be completed before the summer, i really hope we dont get to much homework/coursework to do over the summer, if we do then il have to do it in between holidays!

tonight i went to cemy which was cool. dan and miriam were there and me, tasha, rob, hannah and sarah went round. we started wathcing a movie but then i couldnt get into it so i went downstairs and watched tv and some of the others came as well. had a pretty good night though.

its quite scary....i cant wait to leave school like most people know but yesterday i found out we have 2 terms left and that is it! how quickly that is going to come round. im really putting a lot of effort into my work now, more than i was before. and im 17 next year....i can start to drive....time is going so quickly.

the thunderstorm on tuesday was mad. we had a powercut at home! and me and mum were caught out in the pooring rain, we got soaked! and my combats went see-through!!!! pretty embarasing!

tomorrow night tasha is sleeping over as we have ignite training on saturday! and on saturday hannah is going away with some of her mates. hannah i hope you have a really good time sugarplum, loveya loads and will miss ya! xxx

well this is quite a long post as i havent posted since monday. hope everyone ok xx


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