The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

maths exam non caculator

the first of my maths exams has gone crap. i opened the page and didnt know how to answer the first question, this made me get a bit choked as i panicked but i went through the book and tried to answer the questions i knew how to do which was about one of them!! but then i went back to the beginning and was a bit more relaxed so i just answered all the questions showing my working out and tried my best to do them. this exam went really badly but nevermind these things happen. everyone else who took the higher paper like myself said they found it hard so i wasnt on my own.

so 2 down 6 to go!!! i cant wait until this time next thursday when all these exams are over! well ive got english tomorrow, il post how it goes tomorrow.


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