The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Saturday, January 15, 2005

getting better :+)

im getting better now. i had to have two days off school but im getting there. well thank you to everyone who prayed for me.

i have been thinking a lot over the last two days. i keep saying how much im looking forward to leaving school but today it dawned on me, this is my last full summer at school. i love the summers at school, i have got the best memories at school from the last three summers there. its weird, once i leave i doubt il keep in touch with hardly anybody in my year. one thing i really want to do is make up with one of my friends i fell out with about a year and half ago. it isnt that we are not friends, its the fact that things are no longer the same between me and him, and we used to be best friends and tell each other everything, i long for the day when that will happen again but i dont no if it will.

i had a mazzive arguement with mum this week. i dont really want to talk about what happened and what it was about, but i want to thank Tasha, for listening to be and been there for me when i really needed someone. i am also thankful to God that me and mum are talking again. some parts of me are wondering if it is Gods plan that i am not well, because if i hadnt been ill me and mum would still not have been talking, so maybe it was Gods will for me to be ill for me and mum to make up. i cant say im not angry at her still, because i am, and it is going to take ages for me to completely forgive her for what she did. but i have lifted the situation to God now i just have to wait.

tomorrow should be a nice day because i am going out with tasha and hannah in the evening after not been able to tonight - sorry girlys xxx so hopefully we will have a good time ,not sure what we are doing yet properly getting a bite to eat. and i might go and watch the boys from church play footy as they have asked me to. so hopefully il be feeling well enough for tomorrow.

well i think im going to go and read some other blogs now......


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