The Blog of Briggsy's life.....

<--- just a simple blog, explanning feelings, what ive been doing and life in general. theres no catches, im just going to explain how i feel and what ive been doing. explainning things that are happening in my life. and things that are happening in others lifes around me, never forget this one thing - always trust in the Lord what ever the situation --->

Sunday, January 09, 2005

arguements, just what is the point of them?

hmm....*sigh* why are there arguements? ive just fallen out with my mum. i have fallen out with her so much this week and i dont really kno why. there has been no real reason for us to argue but everytime we have ive managed to make her cry. i feel really bad, i dont no why she has got so upset as normally she doesnt but the last few arguements she has. its really gotten to me. i guess i need to pray for ways to deal with it. my friend Luke has been great and listened to me go on about it and given me some helpful advise.

Lord, i really want to pray to you about these arguements with mum, Father, i kno everybody has arguements but lately me and mum are argueing about the smallest stupidest thing and it is really getting to me. Lord i just pray that these arguements would stop and we could sort things out without shouting or upsetting eachother. Amen


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